7 Reasons to build your website in Squarespace

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It’s no secret that I’m a HUGE fan of Squarespace websites*. Not only are they gorgeous and user-friendly, but SSL security is built-in, and that should be a priority for everyone these days.

Blogs, product selling, and SEO are seamless thanks to Squarespace’s method of content organization and support. And after some basic training, my clients love the ease of updating some of their own content.

What’s more, it’s a one-stop shop: your domain name, website hosting, scheduling, email campaigns, and online shop can all be organized under one umbrella.

This post contains affiliate links (noted by *). Any commission comes at no additional cost to you. Full disclaimer.

Squarespace is the best platform for building a successful website. Here are a few reasons why...

  1. Squarespace offers website templates that are gorgeous and modern.

    With so many options out there, Squarespace* stands out easily with its clean, modern aesthetic and user-friendly templates. Without requiring a huge budget, a beautifully designed website can be created utilizing Squarespace’s streamlined system and building blocks.

    Small business owners and entrepreneurs will appreciate the customization options, giving the appearance of a beautifully-designed, professional business website. And those looking to refine a dated website will have all the website tools available to create the modern website of their dreams.

  2. Squarespace websites are compatible across all devices including mobile.

    Once upon a time, websites were built with only desktop or laptop viewing in mind. But the world has changed dramatically, and a huge percentage of users will view websites and web content utilizing a smart phone device.

    It’s vital that your website be compatible across all these devices, and Squarespace makes that possible. You can rest well knowing that your website will look and function at its best no matter what device it’s being viewed on.

  3. Squarespace is affordable for individuals and small businesses alike.

    Squarespace provides a variety of plans* to choose from based on your personal or business needs. There are also affordable add-on features that streamline well with the platform such as email marketing and scheduling. Switching between their website plans is a breeze. At any time, you can upgrade your plan to the Commerce plan so that you can begin to sell products or services online.

  4. Squarespace offers domain name registration

    If you’re like me, you love the idea of being able to organize items under one umbrella. It makes things much easier to manage, and (tech-wise) less of a headache trying to remember multiple logins and passwords on multiple sites, with multiple payment plans to renew.

    With Squarespace you can purchase your chosen domain name where it will reside and can be easily managed within your Squarespace website account*. Any other add-ons that you may need as your business grows, including custom email addresses, will also be connected seamlessly to your Squarespace account.

    Already have a domain name through another registrar? No problem. Squarespace has clear and simple instructions on how to point your domain name to your new Squarespace website.

  5. Squarespace’s interface is intuitive and user-friendly

    Some of my clients like to take on the task of updating their own website once the initial development is complete. And the good news is… with Squarespace* you CAN do that. There’s no need to have a background in coding. The platform is user-friendly, even for the non-tech-savvy. There are drag and drop features, pre-formatted pages to choose from, and content blocks that help organize it all. Publishing and updating blog posts, adding new pages, replacing images, and editing text is easily achieved due to their intuitive interface.

  6. Squarespace websites offer peace of mind with auto security updates and fixes

    Building your website on Squarespace* comes with peace of mind knowing that your website is secure, and the technology behind it is always kept up-to-date. No more worrying about updating individual plugins or hacks. This is a relief for those of us with already hectic lives who rely on our website to promote our businesses and communicate with our customers. The security features also happen to be a little bonus SEO boost! A secure website is seen as providing an overall positive user experience, therefore giving you a leg-up on search engine results.

  7. Get 20% off your first year of Squarespace

    As a perk for working with me, a Squarespace Circle Member, you’ll receive 20% off your first year of Squarespace.


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