How to select the perfect brand photos for your business

White washed villa with a green tropical plant under a blue sky

I often work with new website clients who don’t have photographs or images to work with when it comes time to build their new website.

They either:

  1. Haven’t thought about the necessity of adding images to their website;

  2. Don’t know where to look for images or which to select;

  3. Worry about how to incorporate photography into their brand;

  4. Or feel like they can’t afford to hire a photographer.

What to do if you don’t have website brand photos?

Websites benefit greatly from utilizing photographs to not only communicate a message and provide an enriched user experience, but to break up the monotony of text and lead the viewer’s eye to where it should go. You have a split second to capture your visitor’s attention, and an engaging image could be just the thing to draw them in and read more about your business or services.

Rest assured there are plenty of resources and options out there that won’t break the bank (or are free!). Here are some tips and recommendations that will help guide you in the process of selecting photographs and images for your website.

Select stock images that align with your brand and your mission.

Dig in and really think about who your audience is and what will speak to them visually. A pretty image is nice, but it likely won’t convince someone that they need your services or that they should buy your product.

The photographs you select for your website should be relevant to your brand, its core offerings, and ideals. And they should align with your stated mission. In doing so, you’ll begin to cultivate a loyal fan bases that sees themselves in the brand.

Choose stock photos that are memorable to your target audience.

A picture is definitely “worth a thousand words.” So use that to your advantage! With all of the digital text content that your website visitors have to wade through each day, it’s common for them to tune out or, even worse, move on to a different website if there’s a lot of reading to do on your home page.

Let the photograph do the talking and express the emotions and message you’re trying to convey to the viewer. Skip the wordy paragraphs and get straight to the point with a riveting image that speaks directly to them and their needs. Even if they leave your website, they are likely to remember the visual impact and return again.

Select only high-quality photos for your website

Always incorporate the use of high-quality photos and images into your website. Using low-quality, badly-lit, or distorted photos is a sure way to not be taken seriously or professionally.

In today’s digital world, there are tons of resources (free and paid) that offer high-resolution images, perfect for using on your website and throughout your business’s branding materials.

Keep reading to see a list of my favorites!

Hire a photographer to shoot on-brand images

If you’re looking to really build your business’s brand, I highly recommend hiring a local professional photographer to do a photo shoot. This is an investment in your business that will payoff in more ways than one:

  1. Because of the high-quality nature of the photos, your business will be perceived as professional.

  2. If you’re highlighting your store or office, you’ll gain familiarity by giving visitors a peek into your place of business. If you work from home, a professional photographer can capture your home office scenes or some shots of you out-and-about in different locations, which introduces visitors to a part of your daily operations and helps them to connect with you.

  3. If the photographer provides headshots for you and your team members, you’ll gain some trust and credibility by showing the real people who are doing the work.

  4. Photographs can instantly communicate your business’s values and ideals, and you’ll be able to harness the energy of your brand through them.

  5. You’ll have countless opportunities to use your branded photographs: your website, print materials, promotional ads, social media, and more!

Read more: Create the brand imagery you need to attract and book the right clients

Curate a collection of stock images

If hiring a photographer just isn’t for you, not to worry. There are many fantastic online photography resources out there that allow you to download high-quality images, perfect for incorporating into your website. A few tips:

  1. When selecting your photos, try to stay away from the “cliche” images that you’ve seen everywhere. Really take the time to use key words that relate to your brand and search for great photographs that will speak to your target audience.

  2. Always pay attention to copyright and licensing rules. Be sure to carefully read all the fine print and make sure you’re not in violation of copyrights. You’ll also want to know exactly where you’re able to use the photo (web, print, etc?) and for how long.

  3. Not all stock photography websites are created equal - some provide free images and some are quite pricey. If you happen to fall in love with a pricey image, weigh its cost against the value of being able to use it over and over again in your marketing efforts. Sometimes it’s worth it.

  4. If you’re using the Squarespace platform to build your website, know that they’ve partnered with Unsplash to provide access to both free and paid photographs through their image block. It’s a really handy tool, and the photos are gorgeous and wide-ranging.

Here are a few of my favorite stock images websites:

Moyo Studio*
Creative Market

This list contains affiliate links (noted by *). Any commission comes at no additional cost to you. Full disclaimer.


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