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8 Tips for creating a zen home office space

If you’re fortunate, you’ve been able to transition to a work-from-home scenario during the pandemic, whether through your employer or your own business.

But that brings about its own set of challenges, such as trying to work while small children are present (nearly impossible), creating hours (and unlimited patience) in the day to homeschool, all while delineating an actual workspace that keeps you productive and doing what you need to be doing.

With so much seemingly out of control these days, it’s more important than ever to try and maintain some level of sanity by modifying the few things that you can control… like your workspace.

Creating a productive at-home space for working

Your at-home workspace doesn’t have to be big

Having lived in Europe for so long, I’m a pro at utilizing and modifying tiny spaces in order to create a dedicated work area… a little slice of space that keeps me productive and focused, while chaos may be happening around me.

With a little bit of creativity and repurposing, you can do it in your home too. Once you’ve determined where your special work area is going to be, creating a soothing and organized environment is the next step.

Here are some tips that will help create that zen home office vibe to help carry you through this stressful time.

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1. Select a location for your workspace

If you don’t have a dedicated home office with a door, don’t fret. Find a space that works within your household and use it as a starting point. It may sound silly to say, but you’ll want a workspace next to at least one outlet. Invest in a good power strip, and then you’ll be able to easily connect your computer or laptop, a USB hub, and a light fixture without the frustration of tangled cords and cables. Ideally, if you can set up near a window in your home, that’s a bonus. Natural light is so important for mood-boosting, especially now during lockdown periods.

Whatever surface you’ll be using (be it a small desk, built-in shelf, fold-out table, etc.) be sure that no other non-work items land on it. No folded laundry, no kids’ homework, no plates of food. Make it clear to everyone in the household where you will be setting up your work-from-home office. And remember, this is YOUR dedicated workspace, so try to respect that and you’ll find that others will too.

2. De-clutter your workspace area

This tip just might be the most important. A cluttered desk (or table, etc.) will foster a cluttered mind. It’s time to wipe the slate CLEAN and declutter. Literally. Take anything and everything off your work top area, and then begin adding and editing pieces: your computer / keyboard, minimal office supplies, a small light fixture, a USB hub or wireless charger. Keep knick-knacks to a bare minimum such as one photo frame or a small orchid. Essentially you’ll be viewing a clean workspace and your mind will not be distracted with unnecessary clutter.

3. Organize your workspace area

By getting organized, you’ll keep the clutter away permanently! Go paperless wherever you can, including bills. This is the number one issue that starts to build up stress… seeing all those papers all over your desk and not quite knowing what to do with them. Going paperless allows you to instead keep organized folders on your computer or within your email to reference at any time. If you do have to maintain paper items, get a small rolling file cabinet that fits neatly under your desk or table, or a portable file folder with color-coded tabs.

If you have a small drawer, then use it to organize your pens, sticky notes, paper clips, and printer paper inside. If no drawer is present, get creative with some smart stackable containers. An old mug or small vase will hold your pens and pencils neatly next to your computer. To stay on top of your schedule, a small dry-erase or pin board can serve as your daily visual cue, to-do list, or inspiration.

4. Clear your computer screen’s desktop

In the same vein as tips #2 and #3, it’s time to clear your computer screen’s desktop. Looking at your computer desktop and seeing a thousand files is mind-numbing, and you’ll be wasting precious time trying to find what you need. It’s time to organize your electronic files in the same way as you would your file cabinet. Create a few logical main folders on your desktop, and then sub-categorize folders within them (ie. Consulting —> Clients —> Client #1 —> Projects). Now that you can actually see your desktop, select a nice zen photo as your wallpaper. When you’ve got a clean, organized desktop screen, you’ll start the day off being greeted by your beautiful, serene desktop picture instead of a war zone of random files staring back at you!

5. Find a comfortable chair

This may seem like a no-brainer, but if you don’t have an ergonomic office chair, you’re likely using a dining room table chair or a stool… which over time can become super uncomfortable. Do your best to plump things up with some cushions from around the house. Or even better, try using an exercise ball instead. They’re compact and can be rolled away or deflated for easy storage. Plus you’ll be practicing good posture with core benefits while you work.

6. Good lighting

Keeping a well-lit (but not too harsh) work space is so important. If you’ve got natural light coming in nearby your work station, even better. But a desk lamp that takes up minimal space and emits warm light is a must and creates a soothing mood.

7. Add a portable bluetooth music device

Chill out during your work time with some of your favorite tunes. There are a myriad of small portable bluetooth speakers out there that will do the job perfectly and not take up too much space in your work area. You’ll feel your mood energized when you’ve got some good music to power you through your work day.

8. Stay hydrated with a favorite water bottle

Lastly, don’t forget to hydrate. You’ll be drinking loads of caffeine for sure to survive this new “normal”, so do yourself a favor and keep a full bottle or carafe on your desk where you can see it and access it easily. Use a favorite sports water bottle that you can refill and that will “live” on your desk.

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